When our youngest arrived at her home earlier in the week she was told there was a package waiting for her. She figured that couldn’t be right, as she hadn’t ordered anything… The large box definitely was addressed to her, so upstairs it went. A peek inside revealed a huge package of toilet paper and the largest container of dishwasher pods she had ever seen, but of course no receipt. She called us to say thank you, but we weren't the senders. Next up were her siblings, but again, no… Next was a group call with several of her friends. Her question to them - had anyone sent her an Amazon package, a really strange Amazon package. Once again, nope. Then one friend thought to ask what was in the package. As she described the contents, his comment was, “Uh oh!” He hadn’t placed any new online orders since sending her Secret Santa gift… Handy tip - check the “ship to” address every time you place an order or your friend just might wind up with your supply of toilet paper and dishwasher pods! If only it had been fabric…
Wishing you pleasant surprises in the coming week,
Mary Beth