As favorite holiday gifts go, mine is rather strange. I love the holiday decorations so much that I find it rather depressing to take them down. My sweetie’s gift is spending hours and hours taking everything down and packing things away each year. The tree was gorgeous this year - deep green, beautifully shaped, hundreds of branches. I swear it looked the same last week as the day it went up. I guess looks can be deceiving… As he took it toward the door, a blizzard of needles coated most of the surfaces along the way. We figure we will be stepping on dry pine needles, those caught in the wood floor, until summer. Surprisingly, there were a bunch of needles in a place they have never landed before. When he reached in his pockets later in the day, he pulled out handfuls! And we think being covered in loose threads is an issue…
Wishing you no needles, of any kind, on the floor this week,
Mary Beth