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As favorite holiday gifts go, mine is rather strange. I love the holiday decorations so much that I find it rather depressing to take them down. My sweetie’s gift is spending hours and hours taking everything down and packing things away each year. The tree was gorgeous this year - deep green, beautifully shaped, hundreds of branches. I swear it looked the same last week as the day it went up. I guess looks can be deceiving… As he took it toward the door, a blizzard of needles coated most of the surfaces along the way. We figure we will be stepping on dry pine needles, those caught in the wood floor, until summer. Surprisingly, there were a bunch of needles in a place they have never landed before. When he reached in his pockets later in the day, he pulled out handfuls! And we think being covered in loose threads is an issue…

Wishing you no needles, of any kind, on the floor this week,

Mary Beth

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Our 2025 applique Saturday Sampler program begins this Saturday (1-18-25) at 9:00am. We have had a wonderful response to this year's project. So much so, we are holding our first meeting of the year in our classroom on the lower level of the shop (the door is at the far end of the back parking lot). During the session you will receive your first kit for our “Red and Green Reimagined” quilt. We will cover lots of information about the project and some of the hand applique techniques that will be used. Not to worry, I will be sure to finish a few minutes before 10:00am so you can make it to the front door before the Fat Quarter Fling begins!

Also this Saturday ~

Introductory sessions for two other block-by-block projects will be offered on Saturday, as well. 

For those registered, these sessions will be held in our lower level classroom ~

Foundation Pieced Block of the Week - Saturday, January 18th ~ 1:00pm

Evermore ~ Saturday, January 18th ~ 2:30pm 

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It is likely to be very busy here on Saturday… Parking may be an issue, as the back lawn we usually turn into parking could be under too much snow. If you and friends plan to visit, this may be the moment to share a ride! So sorry!

We have the 2024 Riley Blake Block Challenge quilt hung right inside the front door. The fabulous quilt, stitched by Heather and quilted by Alice, gives you a good idea of the type of blocks shared during the RBD challenge. The good news is, the 2025 block challenge began this week (and even better, the patterns are a weekly gift via Riley Blake’s newsletter and social media!). The project is worked in their solids this year - you will find them displayed on top of the shelves at the front of the shop (one bolt is still in transit, but the others are here). I think you are going to love their solids. The colors are lovely and the “hand” of the fabric is perfect. This is a fun one - head to the Riley Blake website for more information!

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Our block of month projects are off to a bit of a rocky start, as they have been impacted by weather - both here and in places from coast to coast! Know that we are pulling things together for those who have registered and will be giving you a call as soon as your goodies are ready!

Next Saturday (1-25-25) we will celebrate Local Quilt Shop Day and the beginning of the By Annie’s LQS contest! We will share a free pattern when you stop in (one that uses fat quarters - you may have some by next week!), a short demo, little treats, and we will share information about voting!

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The newest Fabric Cafe book just arrived. I think you are going to want to snag this one. You will find the outstanding designs you have come to expect from Fabric Cafe, but with a bit of a twist - this one is “Fabulous 5-Yard Quilts”! Moving from three to five one-yard cuts per quilt has allowed their designs to evolve. They are more varied and the quilts are larger. We have our version of the book’s Bella in place. We selected one yard cuts of three floral prints and added yard cuts of two solids to the mix. The piece came out great - it reminds me that spring will come… 

Book $18.99

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Please note ~ current shop hours are 10:00am-4:00pm Monday thru Saturday. 

Quilters Corner 
6101 State Route 88 Ste. 1
Finleyville, PA 15332


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