I’ve always found it interesting to study how much, and where, snow falls from winter storms. A little over 3” fell on the shop on Monday (even that much was enough to make the roads an issue for a bit), while five feet fell on a spot we know in upstate New York! I remember one winter out west when the temperature didn’t go above zero for three weeks. When it finally “warmed up” I sat our darlings, one and two at the time, in front of the window to watch as I shoveled two paths down the driveway, through the 20” of new fallen snow, so we could go out (those two paths needed to match up with the two in the street - fingers needed to be crossed that no one was coming in the opposite direction as you made your way down the street!).The next step was bundling the darlings up in snowsuits, boots, hats, and mittens, and then hooking them in their carseats. We were excited as I pushed the garage door opener button, but not so much when that caused a mini avalanche - the snow slid off the roof and completely filled the driveway. I remember putting the door back down (probably with tears in my eyes) and heading back inside to wait for spring… I’m hoping the snow doesn’t get much deeper here. I would hate to have to wait till spring to get fabric for my next project!
Wishing you a warm and cozy week,
Mary Beth